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As such, a month ago, iSpace organized a two-day hackathon on Gender Based Violence to find solutions to combat the issue using technology.

During the hackathon the participants were asked to form groups and brainstorm to find solution to the phenomenon. On the second day, the teams presented the ideas they had gathered. After, they were tasked to return in a month to present their solutions

The team leaders are back in the space to present their solutions and to discuss the way forward with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). The teams include Ivocate, GenderCareGH, Boa Me, Alat and Viocap. Below is a brief about the teams’ presentations:

Ivocate is a web platform that seeks to creat awareness about Gender Based Violence and to link victims to the appropriate agencies for support. The platform is more of a community where victims can come and share their stories and problems concerning Gender Based Violence.


GenderCareGH is a web application that seeks to educate individuals about Gender Based Violence and to link victims to support centers and institutions. In the end, GenderCareGH will like to see a society which is sensitized about Gender Based Violence.


Boa Me which literally means ‘help me’ in the local dialect is a USSD platform that seeks to provide safe, secure, rapid and efficient support and information services to users. With the simple dial of a short code one can reach an emergency response unit. It will also organize seminars with community leaders on how to handle issues of Gender Based Violence.


Alat is an emergency response application that provides a means of getting help in times of crises by contacting your neighbours or a response team. It also provides a feature that the victim can use to share their location. It will also provide free information on Gender Base Violence as well as counseling to victims


Viocap is a mobile and web based app that seeks to provide a wholesome protection for women so that they can exist in both private and shared spaces without unwanted inference. It has an anonymous reporting system which helps victims to report case. Also viocap provides free information about Gender Based Violence to it users.


After the presentations, iSpace together with the CSOs had series of evaluations and deliberations of the solutions the teams presented. In the end, three teams were selected; Boa Me, Alat and Viocap. The selected teams will be supported with technology input and entrepreneurial training.

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